Douglas Conant is a New York Times bestselling author, keynote speaker, and social media influencer with over 40 years of leadership experience at world-class global companies.
Author of The Blueprint: 6 Practical Steps to Lift Your Leadership to New Heights (A Wall Street Journal Best Seller):
Your Life Story is Your Leadership Story
Many of the problems leaders face today are rooted in compartmentalization. Leaders believe their work life and their “real” life are two different things, so they develop a siloed self-expression: a “work” identity and a “personal” identity. And they’re at odds. Managing this tension becomes yet another task in a crushing litany of expectations and pressures. It does not have to be this way. It’s time to try something else.
Many people teach you to emulate somebody else’s leadership approach; this one empowers you to lead more like you. Leveraging groundbreaking insights from a 40-year leadership journey coupled with the most current science on habit-building, Doug Conant’s The Blueprint combines true-and-tested exercises for self-discovery with an experience-backed manifesto on the ten foundational tenets of “leadership that works” to create the quintessential treatise and manual on leadership for our times
• Introduction to The Blueprint
• 6 Practical Steps to Lift Your Leadership to New Heights
The first 125 people that register (Free) and attend the Leadership Conference will receive the The Wall Street Journal bestselling author Douglas Conant’s new book “The Blueprint” 6 Practical steps to Lift Your Leadership to New Heights.