The Leadership Institute was the idea of the Chamber leadership. The Cultivating Hispanic Leaders Institute curriculum was created by the University of Georgia’s J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development. The sessions are all highly interactive and facilitated by Fanning faculty.
The Cultivating Hispanic Leadership Institute (CHLI), a partnership of the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GHCC) and the J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development is a six-month leadership development program. CHLI was born out of the notion that leadership is not for the chosen few, but for all of us – it is all of our responsibility. CHLI is leadership training and a leadership network. The Leadership Institute will provide an opportunity for GHCC members to receive leadership training to assist with their organizational, business, and community leadership skills as well as create a critical mass of new leaders that will be provided with the tools and opportunities to become philanthropists, board members, appointed officials, and elected officials. In addition, each class will graduate into a network of individuals who may serve as mentors to other aspiring business and community leaders within the GHCC.
A two-day session designed to orient participants to the program objectives and begin the process of building a cohesive cohort. The session will frame the program’s focus on leadership development through a discussion of leadership competencies and skills. Specific topics will include an introduction to leadership styles, debrief of a personal assessment measuring thinking and behavioral attributes, and exploration of adaptive leadership practices.
Participants will explore key community issues. The session will focus on the complexity of these issues and the specific impact in the Hispanic Community.
Participants will discuss the opportunities and challenges of addressing these issues in the context of community development.
Today’s 21st century leaders must combine vision and planning with outside the box thinking and strategies. This session will focus on identifying and developing leadership competencies key to real life settings and issues. Included in the day are sessions on Emotional Intelligence, group decision-making, and consensus building. Participants will also be provided an opportunity to check in with Fanning facilitators on their progress with their self-directed leadership challenge.articipants will explore key community issues. The session will focus on the complexity of these issues and the specific impact in the Hispanic Community.
Participants will explore leadership in the context of creativity and innovation. Key competencies for leaders in the public and private sectors, participants will learn how creativity and innovation are functions of imagination, exploration, experimentation, and application.
This session will focus on the experiences and perspectives of accomplished leaders as they discuss the skills required to build leadership capacity in business, community, and organizations. The discussions will include their reflections on how they have led change and the competencies required to be successful change agents, including how to engage stakeholders, and how to better understand the importance of a community’s stage in its development.
This session will weave together leadership lessons and perspectives including a capstone reflection of the participants’ self-directed leadership experience, a discussion of their personal leadership growth and an exploration of their plans for moving forward in leading change. The highlight of the day will be a graduation ceremony.
GHCC member with an interest in utilizing the newly gained leadership skills to “give back”.
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