Mariano Maluf

Mariano Maluf wants businesses and entrepreneurs to be able to see innovation with new eyes, helping them understand how humanity can use emerging tech with a purpose.

He created, and now leads EXP Labs, a global group of digital intrapreneurs and engineers helping to uncover future growth paths for Kimberly-Clark Corporation.

Previously, Mariano led Disruptive Innovation at NCR for Banking & Retail, drove Cloud Computing transformation at Coca-Cola, pioneered Server Virtualization at Home Depot, and built Fault-tolerant Systems at Bellsouth and CTI Movil, a Verizon subsidiary in Latin America.

He is a curious lifelong learner, who also earned a Master of Science degree in Information Systems, Mobile Computing and Communications.

He serves as Industry Advisory Board Member at Kennesaw State University, Steering Committee Member for the Atlanta Corporate Innovation Council, and Board Member for the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

He is also a Startup Mentor at ATDC and VentureLab, and a Fellow at Georgia Tech’s Center for Deliberate Innovation.

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