Rosan Petrillo

Rosan Rivera Petrillo is a Manager of Equity, Inclusion & Diversity at Kaiser Permanente’s Georgia Region, where she has worked since 2014. Her work focuses on providing purposeful development and management of the Equity, Inclusion & Diversity strategy; to include corporate metrics, Business Resource Groups, innovative health care and talent acquisition initiatives, and culturally & linguistics appropriate services, among others.

She moved to the USA from the island of Puerto Rico in 1997, having completed a master’s degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology. She began her work in the Organizational Development field at the Walt Disney World Company after her move to Orlando, Florida.

Over the years, she has worked in various industries, such as: health care, entertainment, professional employer organization (PEO), manufacturing, sports apparel, and retail.

Some of the roles she’s held are Director of Diversity Management at Macy’s Central, Diversity Manager at Russell Corporation (Russell Athletic), Employee Relations & Benefits Manager at CSM North America, and Human Resources Generalist at ADP TotalSource.

Recognized for her exceptional commitment to the youth, and a promoter of KP’s Employee Business Resource Groups, a graduate of Leadership Cobb Class of 2020, conference speaker, Council Member of KP’s HR National Team, D&I Committee Member of Atlanta Area Boys Scouts, Georgia Hispanic Chamber Board Member & Cobb County Chamber D&I Committee Member.

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